مدیر بازنشسته
سلام خانومیlinghuchong عزیز یک دنیا به خاطر لطفی که کردید ممنونم.
می تونم خواهش کنم که اگر براتون امکان داره در مورد این مقالات هم کمکم کنید.
Anderson, M.G., Kemp, M.J., Lloyd, D.M., 1988. Applications of soil water finite difference models to slope stability problems. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Landslides, vol. 1. Lausanne, pp. 525–530.
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Anderson M. G. and Pope R. G. The incorporation of soil water physics models into geotechnical studies of landslide behavior. Proc. 4th Int. Symp. On Landslides, Toronto. International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 1984, 349-353.
Wilkinson, P.L., 2000. Investigating the hydrological and geotechnical effects of vegetation on slope stability: development of a fully integrated numerical model, PhD thesis, University of Bristol.
Wilkinson, P.L., Brooks, S.M., Anderson, M.G., 1998. Investigating the effect of moisture extraction by vegetation upon slope stability: further developments of a Combined Hydrology and Stability Model (CHASM). British Hydrological Society International Symposium on Hydrology in a Changing Environment. Theme 4: Hydrology of environmental hazards, pp. 165–178.
Nash, D., 1987. A comparative review of limit equilibrium methods of stability analysis. In: Anderson, M.G., Richards, K.S. (Eds.), Slope Stability, pp. 11–73.
Wu, T.H., McKinnell III, W.P., Swanston, D.N., 1979. Strength of tree roots and landslides on Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 16 (1), 19–33.
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