من به پشتیبانی تیکت زدم با این عنوان اما ترجمه اش رو نفهمیدم چی گفت از دوستان کسی میتونه صریح ترجمه کنه لطف کنه ترجمه کنه
I 5_6_7 days ago
Gift card was requested data
But I'm having trouble Email Us For Approval
what Email Us For Approval??
ایمیل جواب داده شده
Swagbucks Compliance (Swagbucks Help Center)
Jan 03 09:53 AM
Hello nima,
Thank you for taking the time to write in regarding your Swagbucks.com account.
Your account has been selected for additional mail account verification, and your prizes have been refunded or put under review as a result. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
To complete this process, please first make sure the mailing address is correct in your Swagbucks profile before responding back "YES" to this email. We will then mail out an account verification postcard with pin number.
Despite what the postcard instructions say about entering your pin directly into your account, instead please email us back the pin number to this email to complete the additional mail verification process.
Is your mailing address correct, and if so, would you like me to arrange this postcard to be mailed to you?
Please note we do not provide your phone number or mailing address to any third parties, nor do we use it for any purposes besides confirming the authenticity of you as the account holder.
Thanks for your patience and for using Swagbucks.com,
Manager of User Compliance