Configure commands:
aaaAuthentication, Authorization and Accounting.
access-listAdd an access list entry
aliasCreate command alias
arpSet a static ARP entry
async-bootpModify system bootp parameters
bannerDefine a login banner
bootModify system boot parameters
bridgeBridge Group.
buffersAdjust system buffer pool parameters
busy-messageDisplay message when connection to host fails
call-history-mibDefine call history mib parameters
cdpGlobal CDP configuration subcommands
chat-scriptDefine a modem chat script
class-mapConfigure QoS Class Map
clockConfigure time-of-day clock
cnsCNS Subsystem
config-registerDefine the configuration register
connectcross-connect two interfaces
controllerConfigure a specific controller
default-valueDefault character-bits values
defaultSet a command to its defaults
defineinterface range macro definition
dialer-listCreate a dialer list entry
dialerDialer commands
diffservDifferentiated Services (COPS)
dnsix-dmdpProvide DMDP service for DNSIX
dnsix-natProvide DNSIX service for audit trails
doTo run exec commands in config mode
downward-compatible-configGenerate a configuration compatible with older software
enableModify enable password parameters
endExit from configure mode
exceptionException handling
exitExit from configure mode
fileAdjust file system parameters
frame-relayglobal frame relay configuration commands
hostnameSet system's network name
interfaceSelect an interface to configure
ipGlobal IP configuration subcommands
keyKey management
lineConfigure a terminal line
loggingModify message logging facilities
login-stringDefine a host-specific login string
map-classConfigure static map class
map-listConfigure static map list
memory-sizeAdjust memory size by percentage
menuDefine a user-interface menu
microcodeconfigure microcode
modemcapModem Capabilities database
multilinkPPP multilink global configuration
netbiosNETBIOS access control filtering
noNegate a command or set its defaults
ntpConfigure NTP
parserConfigure parser
partitionPartition device
policy-mapConfigure QoS Policy Map
printerDefine an LPD printer
priority-listBuild a priority list
privilegeCommand privilege parameters
process-max-timeMaximum time for process to run before voluntarily relinquishing processor
promptSet system's prompt
queue-listBuild a custom queue list
radius-serverModify RADIUS query parameters
random-detect-groupConfigure random-detect class
regexpregexp commands
resume-stringDefine a host-specific resume string
rifSource-route RIF cache
rloginRlogin configuration commands
rmonRemote Monitoring
route-mapCreate route-map or enter route-map command mode
routerEnable a routing process
rtrRTR Base Configuration
schedulerScheduler parameters
serviceModify use of network based services
signaling-classConfigure signaling class
snmp-serverModify SNMP engine parameters
snmpModify non engine SNMP parameters
stackmakerSpecify stack name and add its member
standbyGlobal HSRP configuration commands
state-machineDefine a TCP dispatch state machine
subscriber-policySubscriber policy
tacacs-serverModify TACACS query parameters
templateSelect a template to configure
terminal-queueTerminal queue commands
tftp-serverProvide TFTP service for netload requests
time-rangeDefine time range entries
trunkConfigure a trunk group
usernameEstablish User Name Authentication
virtual-templateVirtual Template configuration
x25X.25 Level 3
x29X29 commands
xotGlobal XOT commands