در مورد سرعت كلاك سي پي يو N80 گمانه زني هاي زيادي انجام شده و به نتيجه هائي جالب رسيدن .
قبل از نتيجه گيري اينو ببينيد :
Here FPCbench of N80 and 6630:
16k-->6 secondi
32k-->12 secondi
64k--->24 secondi
128k-->47 secondi
256k-->91 secondi
512k--->186 secondi
16k -> 6 secondi
32k -> 12 secondi
64k -> 25 secondi
128k -> 46 secondi
256k -> 98 secondi
512k -> 196 second
هرچند كه تو اين تست نشون ميده كه 6630 و N80 تقريبا با هم برابري ميكنند ولي زود نتيجه گيري نكنيد چون :
Anyway, the results at the tests don't tell you anything about the processor because you can't compare 6630 and N80 same way. N80 has four times more pixels in the display and that test is for how fast a phone is able to draw graphics not how fast it calculates numbers
ايشون نتيجه گيري درستي كردن ايشون ميگن با اينكه تعداد پيكسلها در N80 چهار برابر 6630 است و طبيعتا كيفيت بالاتر در همه چيز در نتيجه ميتوان از اين تست نتيجه گيري كرد كه سي پي يو N80 كه در پردازش اين كيفيت با 6630 تقريبا برابري ميكنه قويتر است .
البته اين يك فرضخ كه سي پي يو قويتره :
Anyway, n80 should really have this new faster (300+) processor because besides of being the jack of all trades (all standard features for a smartphone) it also have 3mpixel cam (and high res. screen).. if it uses the old processor, saving image @ full res. can take a lot of time (3-5sec
ويا اين نظر :
While reeading this article about the S60 v3:
they say the following:
"During the creation of the S60 browser (to be released in Q1 2006 in some of Nokia's new devices) the team had to overcome a few problems. While WebCore/KHTML is lightweight doesn't mean that it was in shape to be used on a 312 Mhz ARM CPU with 16 or 32 MBs of RAM device, like most of these kinds of devices use."
I wonder if this confirms that the new secong gen N-series and E-series do have 312Mhz
اما در اين ميان نظرات ديگه اي هم ابراز شده كه چه عواملي علاوه بر سرعت سي پي يو ميتونه در كارائي بالاي اين گوشي موثر باشه :
Originally Posted by Michal Jerz in the my-symbian.com forums
I've just checked the CPU speed and RAM size with a tool reading the values from HAL and it turns out that the E61 still has an ARM9 processor (OMAP 1710) and HAL reports that it runs at 206 MHz. RAM size is about 48 MB of which about 25 MB is free. The same applies to N80....
The same tool run on P990i proto shows 208 MHz ARM9 CPU and 64 MB of RAM which is true so it seems that the proggy shows correct values.
The most interesting thing is that when run on Nokia 3250 the program shows 235 MHz CPU (and 32 MB RAM of which ~ 19 MB is free
ايشون البته به همون سرعت قبلي معتقد هستند ولي نظرات ديگه :
maybe new CPUs have this "energy management tool" which lessen the clock speed when proccesing simple task or apps, and speed-up when processing multimedia and other complex apps
اين همون حرف قبلي منه كه گفته بودم ممكنه از نوعي خاص از پردازنده در اين گوشي استفاده شده باشه كه صرفا ربطي به سرعت كلاك نداره و بازدهي رو به شكل چشمگيري ميبره بالا .
بعضي ها هم اينو مربوط به توسعه عالي در سري جديد سيستم عامل سمبين سري 60 ميدونند :
It's the new OS S60.v3 that makes N80 fast, and that's just one of the big improvements in the new OS.
بهرحال چيزي كه مشخصه چه بكارگيري سي پي يو جديد و چه بهينه سازي در سمبين سري 60 روايت سوم و يا هرچيز ديگه باعث شده كه ان هشتاد خيلي سريع خودشو نشون بده و توجه يوزر هارو به خودش جلب كنه :
Does it really matter? From video of the N80 we can see that it is faster then the n70 even with a higher res screen and added features. And even if it stayed with the same processor this would be great cause this would mean that Nokia has effiency on their mind and that it use the same processor but all would work faster and probably a slower processor would mean lower power usage. If it has 300+ mhz, great! But if not also great, cause it stil performance fast
اين صحبتها و همچنين نظرات جديد درمورد اينكه روايت جديد سمبين از فايل سيستم جديدي بهره ميگيره ما رو به اين نتيجه ميرسونه كه هميشه سخت افزار ملاك كيفبت نيست و بايد به نرم افزار هم توجه داشت .