همونطور كه گفتم و در جواب بعضي از دوستان وضع باتري N80 اونقدرها هم كه فكر ميكرديد بد نيست اين جمله رو داشته باشيد به نقل از يك يوزر اين گوشي كه تازه اونو خريده و تست كرده :
Battery life I think will be quite good. I made the first charge last night, and have been today making a very heavy use, I mean, 4 hours of fm radio, 30 min of mp3 either with headset and phone speacker, several calls, some sms, internet via wifi, 30 pictures, 3 videos, a lot of user interface (gallery, options, etc), lots of bluetooth transfers... almost all day playing with it and it's right now with 4 out of 7 bars so with a more usual heavy use (not the first day one) and a more charged battery, I think it'll last for 2-3 days.
That's ok for me. And it's more than I spected with it's battery capacity
در مورد شفافيت صفحه ببينيد چي گفته :
in QVGA you can see pixels if you watch closely the screen...in N80 you can't see them even with a lens. There's a "little" difference in pixel density
N80 بخر حالشو ببر