يه نكته اي رو كه خدمتتون بايد عرض كنم اينه كه صحبتهاي من بر مطالعه استواره

زحمت سرچ تو ي گوگل و مطالعه مقالات رو بكشيد اين جمله رو علي الحساب داشته باشيد :
Palm says it is also working with Nokia, the world's largest cell phone maker, to use the Palm interface and applications with the Symbian platform
حتما متوجه ميشيد كه يه شركتي مثل پالم وقتي صحبت از همكاري با نوكيا ميزنه و اسم سمبين ( منظور سري 60 ) رو مياره يعني اينكه هم به توانائي نوكيا براي اين امر واقفه و هم پتانسيل هاي موجود در سمبين رو براي برتري در بازار پي دي اي ها متوجه شده است .
وهم اين جمله :
One major question stands, Mossberg says. Is the device going to be a cell phone that merges some of the features of the PDA or a PDA that merges some features of a cell phone
اين جمله نشون ميده تكنولوژي موبايل چقدر پتانسيل پيدا كرده كه آقاي موسبرگ كه از كارشناسان وال استريت ژورنال است همچين سوالي رو مطرح مي كنه
اينجا رو هم يه نگاهي بندازيد كه ببينيد نوكيا در اين امر بي تجربه نيست و طبق برنامه حركت ميكنه :
واين مقاله كه به همكاري اي بي ام با نوكيا اشاره كرده جهت برنامه نويسي آي بي ام براي هند هلد هاي نوكيا :
البته ميدونيد آي بي ام چيه و كيه
نوكيا البته در مدلي از هند هلد خودش از لينوكس هم استفاده كرده و توجهاي خاص به پروژه هاي متن باز اينچنيني داده است :
موفق باشيد
راستي اينم يادم رفت اضافه كنم كه نقش نوكيا در توسعه سمبين بمراتب از شركتهاي ديگر بيشتر است اين جملات رو هم داشته باشيد :
Nokia helps beef up Symbian OS
Symbian's Smartphone OS didn't see a lot of action in the past few years, despite its novelties. Thanks to Nokia, though, they are picking up the pace. In last quarter, they saw their product base more than double, with a 131% increase from this time last year. With Nokia being responsible for more than 80% of Symbian sales, the future of the increasingly popular OS looks bright. Symbian has plans to keep the pace up.
”Symbian said some 56 products based on its OS were in development at 11 of its licensees during Q3, up from 38 and ten, respectively. Some 60 Symbian-based handset model were on sale during Q3, up from 54 in the previous quarter and 29 in the year-ago quarter. Of those 60 phones, 19 were designed for 3G networks, Symbian said.”
Unlike the desktop world, there are now four major competing software suites for smartphones now, and all of them seem to be fairly robust. The mobile world is only getting bigger – probably better