اين moboda 3380 هم باحاله ها...
من از اينجور قيافه ها واقعاً خوشم مياد.p50/p51 يا p525 يا همين.جداً کلاس داره.
آقا جالب اینکه Motorola هم زده تو کار oem و این دستگاه رو با برند خودش به فروش می رسونه:

The MC35 combines advanced cellular technology, including built-in Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) capabilities, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, with laptop functionality, camera, and bar code reader. Users can talk, e-mail, connect to the Internet, use mission-critical business applications, and capture data (including signatures) with one, easy-to-use device for lower total-cost-of-ownership.