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حملات تروریستی و پیشبینی های Wingdings


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
19 فوریه 2003
به نام خدا
احتمالا اينو ديديت. ولي منم مي گم:
در سال 1992 فونت های Wingdings توسط مایکروسافت ارائه شد.
در همان سال شخصی کشف کرد که با زدن NYC (نیویورک) در Wingdings می شود"یک جمجمه با دو استخوان متقاطع در زیر، یک ستاره ی داوود(مربوط به صهیونیسم) و یک انگشت شست به علامت تایید " می شود.
"kill Jews OK."
"Death to Jews in New York is a good thing."

New York Post article:
One of the world's best-selling computer programs contains a secret anti-Semitic message apparently urging death to Jews in New York City.  

A computer consultant discovered the diabolic message while installing Microsoft's new Windows 3.1 software for a client yesterday.  

The consultant was testing a mailing-address use of the program when he noticed the letters "NYC" had been replaced by a hateful message - a skull and crossbones, the Star of David and an approving thumbs-up symbol.  

Microsoft strongly denies any hidden message. Others disagree.  

"There's no way it could be a random coincidence," said Brian Young, a friend of the consultant, who does not wish to be named.  

"It's pretty scary. I was pretty shocked by the whole thing."  

Computer owners who use Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word or any other Microsoft program containing a print font named "Wingdings" can duplicate the anti-Semitic message by typing the letters "NYC" on their screen.  

Microsoft said "Wingdings" was designed by Bigelow and Holmes, an outside vendor, and denied that Microsoft intentionally designed the secret message.  

Prof. Charles Bigelow confirmed that his company provided the symbols, but insisted that Microsoft made the final "mapping" decisions assigning his symbols to specific keys on the keyboard.  

But a senior Microsoft spokesman said the charge that the fonts contain a hidden message is "outrageous."  

"It's like saying that if you randomly type out characters on a keyboard to spell 'Satan', you can do that, but it's incredible to say that there's anti-Semitism in Microsoft or one of its vendors," said Charles Hemingway.  

But Young, who discussed the matter with other computer consultants, isn't so sure it's just a coincidence.  

The "Wingdings" font contains no letters - just 255 symbols.  

Young calculated the odds of three letters of the alphabet being combined with 255 symbols, and said he found that the odds of obtaining the message were less than one in a trillion.  

"It's mind-blowing," said Young. "Somebody's responsible for this. This is very offensive."  

"I found it hard to believe some of the stories about the resurgence of Nazi sympathizers - but this puts things back into perspective."
مایکروسافت آن را تکذیب کرد و یک تصادف خواند.
کار تا آن جا پیش رفت که MS پس از دریافت اتهامات مختلف در این باره، یک تیم تحقیقاتی برای نشان دادن عدم عمد تشکیل داد.
Microsoft's official statement on the issue:
We can certainly understand how people would respond with some shock to this apparent issue. We did too when it first came up nine years ago and we investigated it thoroughly in partnership with the Anti-Defamation League. The conclusion was that the sequence in the Wingdings character set is coincidental and that there was no malicious intent. In fact, it impacted several software companies at the time and continues to do so. Unfortunately, there was not an easy way to fix the problem. We understand that this requires explanation.  
At the simplest level, wingdings and webdings are much like an alphabet of characters and provide thousands of potential combinations from which a person could choose. Changing the character set would create an impact of unknown scale on existing data and code using the affected font. Again, using the example of the alphabet, what would happen to existing documents and applications if we switched around a handful of letters? The likely result is that we would create significant issues for people, cause some unintended humorous moments and several offensive ones. For that reason Wingdings has been left unaltered since its inception.

در سال 1997 مایکروسافت Webdings را بیرون داد که NYC می شد "یک چشم، یک قلب، و یک منطقه ی پربرج به معنی"I(eye) Love(heart) NewYork" و با این کار MS به آن معنی مثبتی داد.

با حادثه ی 11 سپتامبر، باز مناقشه ای دیگر: در اينترنت پخش شد كه:
شماره پرواز یکی از هواپیماهایی که به دو ساختمان خورد، Q33NY بود، که به Wingdings می شود: یک هواپیما، دو برگ کاغذ(شبیه دو ساختمان)، یک علامت جمجمه ی مرگ، و ستاره ی داوود!

Sender's Email:
Apparently "q33ny" - supposed to be the flight number of one of the crashed planes - gives an aeroplane, two buildings, a skull and crossbones and the star of david. Again, no comment, although whether this is in fact the number of one of the planes seems unlikely.  

I've heard a few people suggesting that this is a sign that Microsoft were involved in the terrorist attack.
كه البته پیش بینی ای در کار نبود. اين يك حقه بود، چون شماره ي پرواز هيچ يك از هواپیما ها چنين نبود!
حالا چند مورد ديگه هم بگم:
BUSH به Wingdings می شود:
(خودتون امتحان کنید)
می شود:
OK for a Crusade for Oil, finishing in Hell?

در حالي كه اكثر پيشگويي ها در مورد حوادث شروع هزاره ي جديد اشتباه در آمد، اگر كلمه ي MILLENNIUM را با فونت Wingdingsبنویسیم، در می آید:

به نظر می رسد که:
If you're looking for something bad, you'll surely find it.


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
19 فوریه 2003
به نام خدا
اولا يه Webdings داریم، یه Wingdings
ثانیا، به 2و3 شان کاری نداشته باش. همون اصلیه
سوما، CAPS بودنشون یارتون نره


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
13 اکتبر 2005
محل سکونت
در راستای تحقق اهداف GD
این تاپیک خیلی به نظرم جال اومد چون اون حادثه رو با تا کردن اسکناس 20 دلاری قدیم یه بابایی بهم نشون داد ... دوستانی مه خودشون میدونن نظرات سازندشون و در مورد این فونت بدن :)


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
10 فوریه 2004
محل سکونت
in my clothes
كلمه IRAN رو تست كرديد !‌؟


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
10 فوریه 2004
محل سکونت
in my clothes
اون i نشون دهنده يه ايراد هست . تا زماني كه هست ضربدر يعني اووپس اگه رفع بشه اون تيك يعني تاييد ميشه . . . اگرم نه اون دايره تو پر يعني ديگه . . . ام.