کاربر تازه وارد
- تاریخ عضویت
- 15 فوریه 2007
- نوشتهها
- 881
- لایکها
- 0
Phone and Fax
Caller2Picture (V2R Vision To Reality GmbH, www.v2r.ag)
connect2internet PRO (2K development Handels GmbH, www.2kdevelopment.com)
EZdial 2 (ME Software, www.mesoftware.biz)
Jeyo Mobile Companion (Jeyo, Inc, www.jeyo.com)
phoneAlarm (pocketMax, www.pocketmax.net)
Running Voice GSM (Pocket Presence, www.pocketpresence.com)
Skype (Skype, www.skype.com)
Spb GPRS Monitor (Spb Software House, www.spbsoftwarehouse.com)
Add2Exchange for Contacts (Advantage International, Inc., www.diditbetter.com)
Intellisync (Intellisync Corporation, www.intellisync.com)
Missing Sync (Mark/Space, Inc., www.markspace.com)
MobSync (DooSoft, doosoft.seesaa.net/)
Peacemaker Professional (Conduits Technologies, Inc., www.conduits.com)
PocketMac (Information Appliance Associates, www.doctorce.com)
PocketMirror Professional (Chapura, Inc., www.chapura.com)
SyncExpress (Syncdata, www.syncdata.it)
Action Games
Anthelion 2: Celestial Vigilance (PDAmill Ltd., www.pdamill.com)
Arcade Challenge (eSoft Interactive, www.esoftinteractive.com)
Assaultaire (JLE Software, lejjo.4t.com)
Enslave (MoreGames Entertainment, www.pocketmoregames.com)
Gold Miner Joe (Viex Games, www.viex.org)
Great Gold Rush (4Pockets.com, www.4pockets.com)
Gringos (Clickgamer Technologies Ltd., www.clickgamer.com)
My Little Tank (Astraware Limited, www.astraware.com)
Pocket Death Match (StormMill, www.stormmill.com)
Quake Mobile (Pulse Interactive, www.pulsemobilegames.com)
RocketElite (Digital Concepts, www.dig-concepts.com)
TapzMania (RU0 Games, www.ru0-games.com)
Adventure Games
Atlantis Redux (Tetraedge Games, www.tetraedge.com)
Fade (Fade Team, www.fade-team.com)
Gilbert Goodmate PDA (Z-Logics Development, www.z-logics.com)
Myst (Mean Hamster Software, www.meanhamstersoftware.com)
Return to Mysterious Island (Tetraedge Games, www.tetraedge.com)
Board Games
4Connect (4Pockets.com, www.4pockets.com)
Backgammon Professional (ZingMagic Limited, www.zingmagic.com)
Championship Checkers Pro (DreamQuest Software, www.dqsoft.com)
Checkers Professional (ZingMagic Limited, www.zingmagic.com)
Go - Pocket GNU (Vieka Technology Inc., www.vieka.com)
Monopoly (Handmark, www.handmark.com)
Multiplayer Championship Backgammon (Real Dice, www.realdice.com)
Scrabble (Handmark, www.handmark.com)
The Travel Collection (Pocket Adventures.com, www.pocketadventures.com)
Card Games
Championship Cribbage Pro (DreamQuest Software, www.dqsoft.com)
Championship Spades Pro (DreamQuest Software, www.dqsoft.com)
Omar Sharif Bridge (ZingMagic Limited, www.zingmagic.com)
Spades (ZingMagic Limited, www.zingmagic.com)
Casino Games
Aces Blackjack (Concrete Software, Inc., www.concretesoftware.com)
All Mobile Casino - 14 Casino Games (Binaryfish, www.binaryfish.com)
Black Jack Pro (G3 Studios, www.g3studios.com)
Full Hand Casino (JAMDAT Mobile, www.jamdat.com)
SpinX (PocketJock, www.pocketjock.com)
TriXXI (PocketJock, www.pocketjock.com)
Chess Games
Championship Chess Pro (DreamQuest Software, www.dqsoft.com)
Chess Professional (ZingMagic Limited, www.zingmagic.com)
Chinese Chess Professional (ZingMagic Limited, www.zingmagic.com)
IntelliChess 2.7.2 (Intorine, www.intorine.com)
Kasparov Chessmate (JAMDAT Mobile, www.jamdat.com)
Mastersoft Chess (Mastersoft Mobile Solutions, www.mastersoftmobilesolutions.com)
Multiplayer Championship Chess (Real Dice, www.realdice.com)
Pocket Fritz (ChessBase GMBH, www.chessbase.com)
PocketGrandmaster (Clevergames, www.pocketgrandmaster.com/english/index.html)
Rampart Chess (Rampart Games, www.rampartgames.com)
Classic Arcade
4Pinball Cyber Storm (4Pockets.com, www.4pockets.com)
Acky's XP Breakout (Isotope 244, www.isotope244.com)
Atomic Battle Dragons (Isotope 244, www.isotope244.com)
Atomic Cannon Pocket (Isotope 244, www.isotope244.com)
Explode Arena (Infinite Dreams, www.idreams.pl)
Galaga (Namco Networks, www.namcogames.com)
Galaxian (Namco Networks, www.namcogames.com)
G-Prime Xtreme (Brain Drain, www.braindrain.com)
High Noon Drifter - Dead Man's Gulch (Clickgamer Technologies Ltd., www.clickgamer.com)
Jet Ducks (Absolutist, absolutist.com)
Kungfu Fighting (AIM Productions NV, www.aimproductions.be)
Marble Worlds (4Pockets.com, www.4pockets.com)
Ms. PAC-MAN (Namco Networks, www.namcogames.com)
Naval Ship Warfare (Alert Technologies, www.atechware.com)
Pocket Breakout 2 (4Pockets.com, www.4pockets.com)
Supertux for WinCE (oldray.net, www.oldray.net)
Color Matching
Bejeweled 2 (Astraware Limited, www.astraware.com)
Bubble Shooter (Absolutist, absolutist.com)
Resco Diamonds (Resco, Ltd., www.resco.net)
Super Elemental (4Pockets.com, www.4pockets.com)
Zuma (Astraware Limited, www.astraware.com)
Game Emulators
MorphGear (Spicy Pixel, Inc., www.morphgear.com)
Pocket Commodore 64 (Clickgamer Technologies Ltd., www.clickgamer.com)
PocketGBA (Sunbug.net, sunbug.net)
PocketNester (Rick Lei, www.jetech.org)
PocketVCS (Stuart Russell, pocketvcs.emuunlim.com)
Game Packs
Arcade Park (C-EON Software, www.c-eon.com)
ChromaGames (Astraware Limited, www.astraware.com)
GameBox Classics (PDAmill Ltd., www.pdamill.com)
GameBox Gems (PDAmill Ltd., www.pdamill.com)
Illustrix Dream Pack (Absolutist, absolutist.com)
Multiplayer Championship Series (Real Dice, www.realdice.com)
Kids' Games
Countdown! (Island Labs, www.islandlabs.com)
Pixel Dinosaurs Lite (Pixel Studios, pixelstudios.hit.bg)
Time Tracker (Pocket Tutor, www.PocketTutor.com)
Zaz Kids Alphabet (PocketSoft, www.geocities.com/gopocketsoft/PocketSoft.html)
Mahjongg Deluxe 3D (Klaar, www.finished.nl)
Majong Paradise (Aidem Systems Inc., www.aidem.com.tw/English/index_english.htm)
Multiplayer Championship Mahjong (Real Dice, www.realdice.com)
Pocket Mahjongg (Oopdreams software, inc., www.oopdreams.com)
Pocket-Jongg (C-Labs, www.c-labs.com)
Shanghai Pocket Essentials (LandWare, Inc., www.landware.com)
Number Puzzles
Digit Invader (GreenBulb, www.greenbulb.com)
Mastersoft Kakuro (Mastersoft Mobile Solutions, www.mastersoftmobilesolutions.com)
Pick 11 (XI-ART, www.xi-art.com)
Platform Scrollers
Curse of the Pharaohs (Just Mobile Games, www.justmobilegames.com)
Li-Nuggz (Elements Interactive, www.elementsgames.com)
Moon Child (Klaar, www.finished.nl)
Super Miners (Infinite Dreams, www.idreams.pl)
Poker Games
Aces Omaha - No Limit Smartphone (Concrete Software, Inc., www.concretesoftware.com)
Aces Texas Hold'em - No Limit (Concrete Software, Inc., www.concretesoftware.com)
All-In Hold 'Em (Birdsoft, www.birdsoft.net)
Multiplayer Championship Poker - Texas Hold'em (Real Dice, www.realdice.com)
Texas Hold'em Poker (Andy Jurko, www.aisoftware.spb.ru)
Puzzle Games
Butterflight 2.2. (Absolutist, absolutist.com)
Cavemen (Lightworks Games, www.lightworksgames.com)
Chukchi Kerling (BallShooter Games, www.ballshooter.com)
Chuzzle (Astraware Limited, www.astraware.com)
Cubis (Astraware Limited, www.astraware.com)
Deep Down Race (Erik Chong, www.geocities.com/bonelyfish/ddr.html)
Done In 50 Seconds (AIM Productions NV, www.aimproductions.be)
Dots (Ilium Software, www.iliumsoft.com)
Juggler (SurvivorSoft, www.SurvivorSoft.com)
Obulis: The Second Epoch (IonFx Studios, www.ionfx.com)
Shape Shifter (Astraware Limited, www.astraware.com)
SuperJezzin (Birdsoft, www.birdsoft.net)
TMax (AIM Productions NV, www.aimproductions.be)
Racing Games
Flux Challenge (PDAmill Ltd., www.pdamill.com)
Gangsta Race (Garga Games, www.gargagames.com)
GTS Racing Challenge (Astraware Limited, www.astraware.com)
Michael Schumacher Racing World - Kart (Inverse Entertainment GmbH, www.inverse-entertainment.de)
MicroQuad (Viex Games, www.viex.org)
Street Duel: Underground Racing (Pixelogic Ltd, www.pixelogic.co.uk)
Stuntcar Extreme (Fathammer Ltd., www.fathammer.com)
Role Playing Games
Adventurer - The Island Chronicles (Pocket Adventures.com, www.pocketadventures.com)
Ancient Evil (Pocket PC Studios, www.ppcstudios.com)
Arvale II: Ocean of Time (PDAmill Ltd., www.pdamill.com)
Arvale: Journey of Illusion (PDAmill Ltd., www.pdamill.com)
Everquest: Attack On Qeynos (Sony Online Entertainment, Inc., eqpocket.station.sony.com)
Legacy (Redshift, www.redshift.hu)
Undercroft (Rake in Grass, www.rakeingrass.com)
Scrolling Shooters
Particle Wars (4Pockets.com, www.4pockets.com)
Realms (SpaceTime Mobile, www.spacetime.us)
SkyForce Reloaded (Infinite Dreams, www.idreams.pl)
Drum Kit Ace (Momentum Games, www.momentumgames.com)
Insaniquarium (Astraware Limited, www.astraware.com)
Lemonade Tycoon (JAMDAT Mobile, www.jamdat.com)
Mini-Jetfight (OmniG Software, www.omnigsoft.com)
SimCity 2000 (ZIO Interactive, Inc., www.ziointeractive.com)
Solitaire Games
Can't Stop Solitaires Collection (Paragon Software, www.penreader.com)
GameBox Solitaire (PDAmill Ltd., www.pdamill.com)
GameBox Solitaire II (PDAmill Ltd., www.pdamill.com)
King Sol Solitaire 2004 (Rapture Technologies, Inc., www.rapturetech.com)
Magic Solitaires Collection (SMK Software, www.smksoftware.ru)
Spb FreeCell Game (Spb Software House, www.spbsoftwarehouse.com)
Towers (XI-ART, www.xi-art.com)
Sports Games
Baseball Addict (JAMDAT Mobile, www.jamdat.com)
Harry Putters Crazy Golf (4Pockets.com, www.4pockets.com)
Links (JAMDAT Mobile, www.jamdat.com)
Pocket Mini Golf 2 - Future City (Momentum Games, www.momentumgames.com)
Pool Challenge (AIM Productions NV, www.aimproductions.be)
Tennis Addict (JAMDAT Mobile, www.jamdat.com)
Virtual Pool Mobile (Celeris, Inc., www.celeris.com)
ZIOGolf 2 (ZIO Interactive, Inc., www.ziointeractive.com)
Strategy Games
Add-Venture 1.83 (Qsoftz, www.qsoftz.com)
Age of Empires (ZIO Interactive, Inc., www.ziointeractive.com)
Allods II: Necromancer (Absolutist, absolutist.com)
Snails (PDAmill Ltd., www.pdamill.com)
Spb AirIslands (Spb Software House, www.spbsoftwarehouse.com)
Warfare Incorporated (Handmark, www.handmark.com)
Warlords II - Pocket PC Edition (Pocket PC Studios, www.ppcstudios.com)
Sudoku Puzzles
Astraware Sudoku (Astraware Limited, www.astraware.com)
Fast Sudoku (PPCLink Mobile Software, www.ppclink.com)
Mastersoft SuDoku V2 (Mastersoft Mobile Solutions, www.mastersoftmobilesolutions.com)
Pocket Sudoku (DKM Software, www.dkmsoftware.com)
Resco Sudoku (Resco, Ltd., www.resco.net)
Sensible Sudoku (Ludimate, www.Ludimate.com)
Sudoku Master (Real Dice, www.realdice.com)
Sudoku Pack (Mobile Digital Media, www.gomdm.com)
Sudoku Rules Extreme! (Spiral Mile, www.spiralmile.com)
The Sudoku Collection (Pocket Adventures.com, www.pocketadventures.com)
Handmark Tetris (Handmark, www.handmark.com)
Kevtris 1.1 (Caywen, www.angelfire.com/indie/caywen/)
Tantric (Astraware Limited, www.astraware.com)
Tetris (Original Games, www.original-games.net/)
Trivia Games
Invasion: Trivia (Clickgamer Technologies Ltd., www.clickgamer.com)
Smarty Pants Trivia (Rampart Games, www.rampartgames.com)
Trivia Deluxe (Cosmi Corporation, www.cosmi.com)
Trivial Pursuit Handheld Edition (Handmark, www.handmark.com)
Urban Myth (Island Labs, www.islandlabs.com)
Who Said That? (Rampart Games, www.rampartgames.com)
Word Puzzles
Across Lite Mobile (Binaryfish, www.binaryfish.com)
Hangman PPC 17th Century Style (Baggetta_Ware, www.baggetta.com)
Super Wild Wild Words (Astraware Limited, www.astraware.com)
Word Wizard PPC (Baggetta_Ware, www.baggetta.com)
WordBlast for Pocket PC (GanX Private Ltd., www.ganx.com)
WordPop! (Smart Box Design, www.smartboxdesign.com)
GPS Geocaching
BeeLineGPS (VisualGPS, LLC, www.visualgps.net)
GPS Tuner 5 (Megalith - Gabor Tarnok, www.gpstuner.com)
GPSdash2 (Stefan Plattner, gpsdash.com)
VITO Navigator II (VITO Technology, vitotechnology.com)
GPS Moving Map
Map for PDA (SearchQuest, Inc., www.searchquest.com)
Memory-Map Navigator USA 250 (Memory-Map, Inc., www.memory-map.com)
OziExplorerCE (Des & Lorraine Newman, www.oziexplorer.com)
Pocket Streets 2005 (Microsoft Software, www.windowsmobile.com)
GPS Utilities
Franson GpsGate (Franson, www.franson.com)
GPS Sentry (SentrySoft, www.sentry-soft.com#http://www.sentry-soft.com#)
GPS Speed Sentry (Tchart Development, www.tchartdev.com)
MySportTraining GPS (VidaOne, Inc., www.VidaOne.com)
Port Splitter (JAL, www.gpsmeter.com)
VITO AstroNavigator II (VITO Technology, www.vitotechnology.com)
Information Managers
Contact Management
.mobile Contacts (Sygic, www.sygic.com)
Essential Contax Pro (PocketX Software Inc., www.pocketX.net)
Inesoft Address Book (Inesoft, www.inesoft.com)
Pocket Sales Manager (SoftwareOnSailboats, www.softwareonsailboats.com)
VITO QuickContact (VITO Technology, vitotechnology.com)
abcDB 'Professional' (PocketSoft.ca, www.pocketsoft.ca)
HanDBase Professional (DDH Software, Inc., www.ddhsoftware.com)
MoviGanizer 2.0 (Danso Interactive Solutions, www.danso.com)
Visual CE Professional (SYWARE, Inc., www.syware.com)
XSDesigner (GrandaSoft, www.grandasoft.com)
AceBartender (Ace Bartender, www.acebartender.com)
BarBack Drink Guide (Mobifusion Inc., www.pocketdirectory.com)
PDA Sommelier (Alambicor, Inc., www.pdasommelier.com)
Pocket Cook (The Little Motion Pixel Co., www.pocketcook.net)
Wine Enthusiast Guide 2006 (LandWare, Inc., www.landware.com)
Cash Organizer 2007 Premium (Inesoft, www.inesoft.com)
Pocket Quicken (LandWare, Inc., www.landware.com)
PocketMoney (Handmark, www.handmark.com)
Spb Finance (Spb Software House, www.spbsoftwarehouse.com)
Stock Manager (TinyStocks, www.tinystocks.com)
CE My Family (on eMan software, www.cemyfamily.com)
Pocket Genealogist (Northern Hills Software, www.northernhillssoftware.com)
Health and Fitness
Gym Journal (SoundTells, www.soundtells.com)
HealthFile Plus (WakefieldSoft, LLC, www.wakefieldsoft.com)
MyPersonalDiet (VidaOne, Inc., www.VidaOne.com)
MySportTraining (VidaOne, Inc., www.VidaOne.com)
Personal Health & Diet Manager (Two Peaks Software, www.twopeaks.com)
Pocket Workout (Electric Dreams Inc., www.edreams.ca)
List Managers
cyAct (cyWren Systems, Inc., www.cywren.com)
InfoShare List Manager (Unwired Software, Inc., www.unwiredsoftware.com)
ListPro 4.1 (Ilium Software, www.iliumsoft.com)
PocketThinker (PocketThinker Software, www.pocketthinker.com)
ShoppingList (dillSoft.com, dillSoft.com)
TreNotes (Fann Software, www.fannsoftware.com)
Agenda Fusion 8 (Developer One, Inc., www.developerone.com)
Project-ing (Birdsoft, www.birdsoft.net)
Ulti-Planner (Birdsoft, www.birdsoft.net)
Secure Information Managers
CodeWallet Pro 2006 (Developer One, Inc., www.developerone.com)
Cresotech PocketSafe (Cresotech, Inc., www.cresotech.com)
eWallet 5.0 Professional (Ilium Software, www.iliumsoft.com)
FlexWallet 2006 (WebIS, Inc., www.webis.net)
Spb Wallet 2007 (Spb Software House, www.spbsoftwarehouse.com)
visKeeper Professional (SFR, www.sfr-software.com)
GolfPS Software (GolfPS, LLC, www.golfps.com)
IntelliGolf Eagle edition / Pocket PC (Karrier Communications, www.intelligolf.com)
PocketPigskin (PocketPigskin, www.pocketpigskin.com)
StarCaddy (LinksPoint, Inc., www.starcaddy.com)
World Cup Mobile 2006 (pocketland.net, pocketland.net)
Student Planners
4.0Student (Handmark, www.handmark.com)
PocketKnowledge (Basioware, www.basioware.com)
The Dog Ate It (Birdsoft, www.birdsoft.net)
Browsers and Web Utilities
Hubdog (Société Radio Numérique (SRN) Inc., www.hubdog.com)
MultiIE (Southway Corporation Ltd, www.multiie.info)
NetFront 3.3 (ACCESS Co., Ltd, www.access-us-inc.com)
Opera Mobile (Opera Software, www.opera.com)
PIEPlus (ReenSoft, www.reensoft.com)
Skweezer (Greenlight Wireless Corporation, www.greenlightwireless.net)
ThunderHawk (Bitstream Inc., www.bitstream.com/wireless)
toonel.net (Toonel.net, www.toonel.net)
v2 Mobile Virtual Browser (MobileLeap, www.mobileleap.net/mainsite/)
Chat and Messaging
Agile Messenger (Agilemobile.com Limited, www.agilemobile.com)
IM+ Mobile Instant Messenger (SHAPE Services Ltd., www.shapeservices.de)
imov Messenger (mov Software, www.movsoftware.com)
Download Managers
Vito MobileDownloader (Vito Technology, www.vitotechnology.com)
WinMobile Download Accelerator (Adisasta, www.adisasta.com)
Torrents Managers
WinMobile Torrent (Adisasta, www.adisasta.com)
FlexMail 2006 (WebIS, Inc., www.webis.net)
MessageExpress (Visto Corporation, www.visto.com)
OpenHand Mobile (OpenHand Software Ltd, www.openhand-mobile.com)
Pocket SpamFilter (PocketPCSoft, www.pocketpcsoft.com)
Qmail (Satoshi Nakamura, www.pocketpcfreewares.com/en/index.php?soft=1344)
News Readers
Egress (GarishKernels, web.newsguy.com/GarishKernels/software.html)
FeederReader (Greg Smith, www.FeederReader.com)
NewsBreak (Ilium Software, www.iliumsoft.com)
PocketRSS (HJR Solutions, LLC., www.happyjackroad.net)
pRSSreader (David Andrs, pda.jasnapaka.com)
Qusnetsoft NewsReader III (Qusnetsoft Developer's Roof, www.qusnetsoft.ru)
RSSToGo (Go Mobile Solutions, www.gomobilesolutions.com)
Skookum Subscriber (Skookum, Inc., www.skookummobile.com)
Smartfeed (Smartfeed.orrg, www.smartfeed.org)
WinMobile Fusion (Adisasta, www.adisasta.com)
GPRS Remote Control (Supermaildisk.com, www.supermaildisk.com/mobile2)
Mocha Pocket TN5250 and Mocha CE TELNET (MochaSoft Aps, www.mochasoft.dk)
mToken (Choung Networks, www.choung.net)
PockeTTY (DejaVu Software, www.dejavusoftware.com)
vxHpc (Cambridge Computer Corp, www.cam.com)
AudioBay Podcasting (AcroDesign Technologies, www.acrodesigntech.com)
MortPlayer (Mort, www.sto-helit.de/freeware/pocketpc/index-en.pl)
Pocket Player (Conduits Technologies, Inc., www.conduits.com)
PocketMusic (PocketMind Software, www.pocketmind.com)
Resco Audio Recorder (Resco, Ltd., www.resco.net)
Resco Pocket Radio (Resco, Ltd., www.resco.net)
VITO SoundExplorer (VITO Technology, vitotechnology.com)
DVD Converters
CarryDVD (CarryDVD.com, www.carrydvd.com)
DVD Catalyst 2.5 (PocketDVD, www.pocketdvd.ca)
DVD to Pocket PC (Makayama Software, www.makayama.com)
Pocket DVD Wizard (The Coding Workshop Limited, www.codingworkshop.com/)
Pocket-DVD Studio (PQ Computing Ltd, www.pqdvd.com)
Graphic Design/Drawing
First Diagramming (Matter and Motion, Inc., www.matterandmotion.com)
Photogenics (Idruna Software Inc., www.idruna.com)
Pocket Artist (Conduits Technologies, Inc., www.conduits.com)
Pocket Image (CD Software Solutions, www.cdsoftwaresolutions.com)
PocketDraw (Systemix Software, Inc., www.pocketdraw.com)
Vspainter 1.5 (Virtual Spaghetti, www.virtualspaghetti.com/)
Image Management
PhotoCoaster (AcroDesign Technologies, www.acrodesigntech.com)
Pocket Album (Conduits Technologies, Inc., www.conduits.com)
Pocket Phojo (Idruna Software Inc., www.idruna.com)
Pocket QuickView (PQV) (BitBank Software, www.bitbanksoftware.com)
Pocket Snapshots (stoutbytes.com, www.stoutbytes.com)
PocketLoupe (Glass Lantern, www.glasslantern.com)
Resco Photo Viewer (Resco, Ltd., www.resco.net)
Spb Imageer (Spb Software House, www.spbsoftwarehouse.com)
SplashPhoto (SplashData, Inc., www.splashdata.com)
XnView Pocket (Xzeos Software, www.xnviewpocket.com)
Music Composition
Audio Box Micro Composer (4Pockets.com, www.4pockets.com)
Griff Pocket Music Studio (Planet Griff, www.planetgriff.com)
Syntrax (Klaar, www.finished.nl)
VITO SoundEditor (VITO Technology, vitotechnology.com)
Power Point and Presentation
ClearVue Presentation (Westtek, www.westtek.com)
Pocket Slides (Conduits Technologies, Inc., www.conduits.com)
Pocket SlideShow (CNetX srl, www.cnetx.com)
Remote Media Controllers
NetRemote PRO (Promixis, www.promixis.com)
Niveus Pocket Remote (Niveus Media, Inc., www.niveusmedia.com)
RemoteAmp (Smashcasi, www.smashcasi.com)
Rudeo Control for Windows Media Player (Rudeo Consulting, www.rudeo.com)
Rudeo Play & Control (Rudeo Consulting, www.rudeo.com)
Zerama Remote (Zerama Corp, www.zerama.net)
MyTV ToGo (Proxure Inc, www.proxure.com)
PictPocket Cinema (DigiSoft, LLC, www.digisoftdirect.com)
PocketTV Classic (MpegTV LLC, www.pockettv.com)
SmartVideo Live Mobile TV (SmartVideo Technologies Inc, www.smartvideo.com)
The Core Pocket Media Player / Betaplayer (CoreCodec, Inc., www.corecodec.com)
The MobiTV Service (MobiTV, Inc., www.mobitv.com)
Text and Reference
Pocket Deepsky (Steven S Tuma, www.deepskysoftware.net)
Pocket Stars (Nomad Electronics, www.nomadelectronics.com)
TachyonNET (TachyonMobile, cacella.astrodatabase.net/tachyon)
Lexisgoo English Dictionary (PPCLink Mobile Software, www.ppclink.com)
Lextionary (Revolutionary Software Front, www.revolution.cx)
MSDict and English Pro Dictionary (Pocket PC Edition) (Mobile Systems Inc., www.mobi-systems.com)
MSDict and Phrases Dictionary (Pocket PC Edition) (Mobile Systems Inc., www.mobi-systems.com)
Oxford Dictionary of Business and MSDict Viewer (Pocket PC Edition) (Mobile Systems Inc., www.mobi-systems.com)
Oxford Reference Suite (Pocket PC Edition) (Mobile Systems Inc., www.mobi-systems.com)
Pocket Oxford English Dictionary (GMPSoft, www.reftogo.com)
Verbs Conjugator for Pocket PC (Beiks LLC., www.beiks.com)
Webster's American Family Dictionary (GMPSoft, www.reftogo.com)
Webster's New World Mobile Dictionary (AcroDesign Technologies, www.acrodesigntech.com)
WordBook - Speaking English Dictionary and Thesaurus (TranCreative, www.trancreative.com)
Document Viewers
Adobe Acrobat Reader (Adobe Systems, www.adobe.com)
ClearVue Suite (Westtek, www.westtek.com)
DataViewer (Mobifusion Inc., www.pocketdirectory.com)
PlanMaker (SoftMaker Software, www.softmaker.de)
PTab (Z4Soft, www.z4soft.com)
RepliGo (Cerience Corporation, www.cerience.com)
TextMaker (SoftMaker Software, www.softmaker.de)
e-Book Readers
CHM eBook Reader for Pocket PC (microOLAP Technologies LTD, microolap.com)
eReader Pro (Motricity, www.palmdigitalmedia.com)
Mobipocket Reader (Mobipocket.com, www.mobipocket.com)
MS Reader (Microsoft Software, www.windowsmobile.com)
Tiny eBook Reader (Golden Crater Software, www.goldencrater.com)
TomeRaider (Yadabyte, www.yadabyte.com)
uBook (GowerPoint.com, www.gowerpoint.com)
2006 World Almanac - Handheld Edition (Mobifusion Inc., www.pocketdirectory.com)
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia 2006 Handheld Edition (Mobifusion Inc., www.pocketdirectory.com)
CIA World Factbook 2006 Handheld Edition (Mobifusion Inc., www.pocketdirectory.com)
Concise Columbia Encyclopedia (Revolutionary Software Front, www.revolution.cx)
HandEchart Student Edition for Pocket PC (DDH Software, Inc., www.ddhsoftware.com)
LingvoSoft Suite (LingvoSoft, www.lingvosoft.com)
PocketExam (Ilya Solnyshkin, www.bizon.org/pocketexam)
WordPal Vocabulary Builder (MindPal LLC, www.mindpal.com)
Multilingual Dictionaries
LingvoSoft Bilingual Talking Dictionaries (LingvoSoft, www.lingvosoft.com)
TrueTerm Bilingual Dictionaries (TrueTerm, www.trueterm.com)
BibleReader (Olive Tree Bible Software, www.olivetree.com)
iLumina MOBILE (Olive Tree Bible Software, www.olivetree.com)
Oxford Dictionary of the Bible (GMPSoft, www.reftogo.com)
Pocket e-Sword (Rick Meyers, www.e-sword.net/pocketpc/)
PocketBible 3 (Laridian, www.laridian.com)
QuickVerse PDA 2007 (QuickVerse, www.quickverse.com)
Spiritual Journal 2.0 (HandeConcepts, www.handeconcepts.com)
BDicty English Thesaurus (Beiks LLC., www.beiks.com)
TrueTerm Thesaurus (TrueTerm, www.trueterm.com)
WordNetCE (ebswift.com, www.ebswift.com)
MapKing (MapAsia.com, www.MapKing.com)
Pocket Earth (Blue Point Studio, www.bluepointstudio.com)
Rough Guide Maps (Visual IT, www.visualit.co.uk)
Skyguide for Pocket PC (GoldenWare, www.goldenware.com)
Traffic Vizzion (Vizzion, Inc., www.vizzion.com)
TrafficEdge (MAQ Software, www.edgeq.com)
Vindigo (Vindigo, Inc., www.vindigo.com)
WorldMate 2006 Professional Edition (MobiMate, www.mobimate.com)
Zagat To Go (Zagat Survey, LLC, www.zagat.com)
Info Managers
EZGo (Tonaya Technologies Corp, www.tonaya.com)
Fizz Traveller (Fizz Software Ltd, www.fizzsoftware.com)
Spb Traveler (Spb SoftwareHouse, www.spbsoftwarehouse.com)
CityTime (CodeCity, www.codecity.net)
Pocket Watch (Conduits Technologies, Inc., www.conduits.com)
Spb Time (Spb Software House, www.spbsoftwarehouse.com)
Weather Today (Vintage Slots of Colorado, Inc., www.StocksAndWeatherToday.com)
MobiLearn Talking Phrasebooks, Multilanguage (MobiLearn, Inc., www.mobilearn.net)
SlovoEd Multilingual Dictionaries (Paragon Software, www.penreader.com)
Speereo Voice Translator (Speereo Software, www.speereo.com)
1-Calc (Omega One Software LLC, www.omegaone.com)
CoolCalc (Applian Technologies, www.applian.com)
EngCalc(Full) (3GR Technologies, www.3grtech.com/product.asp)
HiCalc (PPCLink Mobile Software, www.ppclink.com)
Math Tablet (StatsNOW, www.statsnow.net)
MyCalculator (SpaceTime Mobile, www.spacetime.us)
OmniSolve - Financial Calculator (LandWare, Inc., www.landware.com)
Osymo Calc (Osymo Software, www.osymo.com)
Pocket Calculus (SpaceTime Mobile, www.spacetime.us)
Pocketbolsa (Pocketarts, www.pocketarts.com.es)
RapidCalc (Developer One, Inc., www.developerone.com)
SciCalc (Omega Computer, www.omega-com.pl)
File Management
ALL-explorer 3.1 (ALL-locations, www.all-locations.com)
dTree (derago e. K., www.derago.com)
PE Explorer Suite (Vieka Technology Inc., www.vieka.com)
PPXplorer 2 (Shahab, www.ShahabOnline.com)
Resco Explorer 2007 (Resco, Ltd., www.resco.net)
Total Commander (C. Ghisler & Co., www.ghisler.com/ce.htm)
Virtual Explorer (Wizcode Ltd, www.antontomov.com)
CalliGrapher 8.3 (PhatWare Corporation, www.phatware.com)
InPad (Microth, Inc., www.microth.com)
MyScript (Vision Objects, www.visionobjects.com)
PenReader (Paragon Software, www.penreader.com)
Touch Notes (Laboratories For Computer Nicety Inc, www.touch-notes.com)
Cabinstl (SKKV Software, s-k-tools.com)
MagicCab PocketPC CAB extractor (Inventop, www.inventop.com)
MemMaid (DinarSoft, www.dinarsoft.com)
Pocket Mechanic Professional (Wizcode Ltd, www.antontomov.com)
SKTools (SKKV Software, s-k-tools.com)
Space Reclaimer (ValkSoft, www.valksoft.com)
SpaceMaker (dmdSoftware.Net, www.dmdsoftware.net)
Spb Backup (Spb Software House, www.spbsoftwarehouse.com)
Sprite Backup (Sprite Software Ltd, www.spritesoftware.com)
Sunnysoft Backup Manager (Sunnysoft, www.sunnysoft.com)
ADB Idea Library (HJR Solutions, LLC., www.happyjackroad.net)
IM Mind Map (Inside Mind, www.insidemind.net)
Inspiration (Inspiration Software, Inc., www.inspiration.com)
MindManager X5 Mobile (Mindjet LLC, www.mindjet.com)
Pocket Mindmap (JKRB Software, www.pocketmindmap.com)
Miscellaneous Utilities
CwSync 2.4 (Cassioware, www.cassioware.com)
Euro Coins Pocket Collector (Albegor Entertainment, www.albegor.com)
JETware Hands-free Extension (JETware Mobile Software, www.jetwaremobile.com/)
Leonard Maltin's 2006 Movie Guide (LandWare, Inc., www.landware.com)
Pocket Plan (Twiddlebit Software, www.twiddlebit.com)
PocketDOS (PocketDOS, www.pocketdos.com)
StyleTap Platform (StyleTap, www.styletap.com)
VITO ButtonMapper (VITO Technology, vitotechnology.com)
Vsbenchmark 2006 (Virtual Spaghetti, www.virtualspaghetti.com/)
PocketLANce (Cresotech, Inc., www.cresotech.com)
vxFtp (Cambridge Computer Corp, www.cam.com)
vxTftpSrv (Cambridge Computer Corp, www.cam.com)
vxUTIL (Cambridge Computer Corp, www.cam.com)
Wi-Fi Companion (Socket Communications Inc, www.socketcom.com)
DayNotez (Natara Software, Inc., www.natara.com)
PaperAgenda (Wolftech.it, www.wolftech.it)
PhatNotes (PhatWare Corporation, www.phatware.com)
PhatPad 2.0 (PhatWare Corporation, www.phatware.com)
visNotes - Secure Memo (SFR, www.sfr-software.com)
Vsnotepad Classic 1.8 (Virtual Spaghetti, www.virtualspaghetti.com/)
ActivePrint 5.0 Standard (Pocket Watch Software, www.ActivePrint.net)
PrintBoy (Bachmann Software, www.bachmannsoftware.com)
Remote Host Control
Desktop Rover Pocket PC Controller (Neslo Software, Inc., www.neslosoftware.com)
GoToMyPC Personal (Citrix Online, www.gotomypc.com)
I'm InTouch (01 Communique, www.01com.com)
Laplink Everywhere 4 (LLE4) (LapLink, Inc., www.laplink.com)
Pocket Controller Professional (SOTI Inc., www.soti.net)
z2 Remote2PC (z2 Software, www.z2software.com)
Screen Capture
Pocket Screen Capture (cetoolbox.com, www.cetoolbox.com)
Pocket ScreenSnap (Developer One, Inc., www.developerone.com)
ScreenShotCE (BeniSoft, www.bendlin.info/en/Misc/ScreenShots/)
SnapIt (Xoanan Industries, www.xoanan.com)
VITO ScreenCapture (VITO Technology, vitotechnology.com)
Screen Display
DockWare Pro (Ilium Software, www.iliumsoft.com)
Innobec SideWindow 1.01 (Innobec Technologies, www.innobec.com)
Nyditot Virtual Display (Nyditot, www.nyditot.com)
Syswatch (ALL-locations, www.all-locations.com)
WinMobile Lens Pro (Adisasta, www.adisasta.com)
1-Pass (Omega One Software LLC, www.omegaone.com)
Airscanner Professional Security Suite (Airscanner Corp., www.airscanner.com)
F-Secure FileCrypto Personal Edition (F-Secure Corporation, www.fsecure.com)
Pocket Secure v4.0 (Pocket Secure Solutions, www.TotalPocketPC.com)
PocketBackup (thbi, www.thbi.de)
Trend Micro OfficeScan (TRV Security sprl, www.TRVSecurity.com)
visKey (SFR GmbH, www.sfr-software.de/cms/EN/pocketpc/)
Soft Keyboards
AccessPanel 4 (Developer One, Inc., www.developerone.com)
Fitaly (Textware Solutions, www.fitaly.com)
HiKeyboard - Your Master Input Method (PPCLink Mobile Software, www.ppclink.com)
InterKey Professional (Paragon Software, www.penreader.com)
Phraze-It (Prevalent Devices LLC, www.prevalentdevices.com)
Resco Keyboard Pro (Resco, Ltd., www.resco.net)
Spb Full Screen Keyboard (Spb Software House, www.spbsoftwarehouse.com)
SpeedScript smart (SpeedScript LTD, www.speedscript.biz)
Sunnysoft InterWrite (small) 9.1 (Sunnysoft, www.sunnysoft.com)
TapText (DinarSoft, www.dinarsoft.com)
TenGO (Xrgomics, Inc., www.tengo.net)
Fonix VoiceCentral (Fonix, www.fonix.com)
Microsoft Voice Command (Microsoft Software, www.windowsmobile.com)
VITO Voice2Go (VITO Technology, vitotechnology.com)
Voice LookUp (HandHeld Speech, LLC, www.handheldspeech.com)
System and Registry
ALL-regedit 2.0 (ALL-locations, www.all-locations.com)
HandyMenu (DinarSoft, www.dinarsoft.com)
PHM Registry Editor (Philippe Majerus, www.phm.lu/products)
Pocket Hack Master (Wizcode Ltd, www.antontomov.com)
PowerTap (Ilium Software, www.iliumsoft.com)
ProgramMenuPlus (Tillanosoft, tillanosoft.com/ce)
SKTracker (SKKV Software, s-k-tools.com)
Tascal RegEdit (BiGlobe, www2r.biglobe.ne.jp/~tascal/index_e.htm)
Tweaks2K2 .NET (Tweaks2k2, www.tweaks2k2.com)
Task Management
HandySwitcher (DinarSoft, www.dinarsoft.com)
Pocket Launcher (Conduits Technologies, Inc., www.conduits.com)
SBSH iLauncher (SBSH Mobile Software, www.sbsh.net)
SKMenu (SKKV Software, s-k-tools.com)
SmallMenuPlus (Tillanosoft, tillanosoft.com/ce)
Spb Pocket Plus (Spb Software House, www.spbsoftwarehouse.com)
WisBar Advance 2 (Lakeridge Software, www.lakeridgesoftware.com)
Theme Creation/Management
CETuner 2005 (Paragon Software, www.penreader.com)
Pocket Theme Organizer (Lyma Design, www.lymadesign.com)
Spb Extended Theme Generator (Spb Software House, www.spbsoftwarehouse.com)
ThemeMaker M (Netwasp.net Limited, www.netwasp.com)
VITO Theme Editor (VITO Technology, vitotechnology.com)
Time and Expenses
Expense Report Wizard Expense Recorder for Pocket PC 1.0 (Neutronix Corporation, www.neutronix.com)
TimeBiller (Fann Software, www.fannsoftware.com)
Times Professional (ComIT Solutions Pty Ltd, www.comit.com.au)
TimeTTracker MX2 (R&F Consulting, Inc., www.rfcons.com)
Time Utilities
Chronos (Activekitten LLC, www.activekitten.com)
Gentimer (Rivia, rivia.net)
John Cody's Alerts! Pro Version 2.0 (Omnisoft, www.omnisoft.com)
Mobile TimeSync (SlipstreamSolutions.co.uk, www.slipstreamsolutions.co.uk)
SK Schedule Master (SKScheMa) (SKKV Software, s-k-tools.com)
Timekeeper (Conduits Technologies, Inc., www.conduits.com)
Today-screen Plug-in
Battery Pack Pro (Omega One Software LLC, www.omegaone.com)
Contact-ing (Birdsoft, www.birdsoft.net)
Journal Bar (Omega One Software LLC, www.omegaone.com)
Phone Profiles (Winmobileapps, www.winmobileapps.com)
PocketBreeze (SBSH Mobile Software, www.sbsh.net)
PocketWeather (SBSH Mobile Software, www.sbsh.net)
Spb Diary (Spb Software House, www.spbsoftwarehouse.com)
Spb Weather (Spb Software House, www.spbsoftwarehouse.com)
Stocks and Weather Today (Vintage Slots of Colorado, Inc., www.StocksAndWeatherToday.com)
WeatherPanel (MarsWare Technologies, www.marsware.net)
TV & Stereo Remote
RemoteControl II, v2.12 (WinCESoft, www.WinCESoft.de)
Total Remote (Griffin Mobile, www.griffinmobile.com)
TV remote controller (PDAwin, www.pdawin.com)
VITO Remote (VITO Technology, vitotechnology.com)
Unit Conversion
Conversions In Hand (Burr Oak Software, www.burroak.on.ca)
ConverterCE Pro (Fann Software, www.fannsoftware.com)